Glossary: Integrative Medicine and Nutrition
Paleolithic (Paleo) Diet
Also called the primal or cave person diet, the Paleo diet is high in fat and protein while restricting or reducing the intake of carbohydrates. Beneficial for hypoglycemia, diabetes, and mental illness.
Parasympathetic Nervous System
One of two branches of the autonomic nervous system; responsible for stimulating the body’s activities while at rest, such as digestion, elimination, and sexual arousal.
Persephone (also known as Kore)
The daughter of Zeus and Demeter, also the queen of the underworld.
How drugs affect gene expression. Genomic tests can assess the individual response to medications.
Pineal Gland
An endocrine gland that is responsible for the production of melatonin.
Polarity Therapy
A biofield therapy that integrates methods of touch, yoga exercise, nutrition, attitudinal healing, and meditation to help the individual achieve balance.
Post Colonial Stress Syndrome
Dissociation, depression, substance abuse, and suicide caused by colonization of the land, which leads to colonization of the mind.
Posttrauma Therapy (PTT)
A specialty subdiscipline of therapy that integrates the human service and healing disciplines and incorporates universal values of human connection, community, and restoration of social supports.
Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
A mind/body disorder that alters physiological, biological, and psychological homeostasis. PTSD involves a complex pattern of dysregulation that impairs physical, affective, and cognitive function.
The life force of the spirit that underlies all psychophysiological functioning, also known as ruach to the Hebrews and chi (or Qi) to the Chinese.
Yogic breathing practices that involve the alternation of breathing patterns to facilitate control of the autonomic nervous system, brain hemispheric dominance, and states of consciousness.
Precision Medicine
An approach to maximise the effectiveness of disease treatment and prevention and minimise harm from medications by considering relevant demographic, clinical, genomic, and environmental factors in making treatment decisions.
Food or dietary supplement product that may induce the growth or activity of beneficial microorganisms.
Live organism that, when ingested in adequate amounts, produces a health benefit in patients suffering from psychiatric illness.
That which concerns the mind and external outside–the-skin phenomena. It includes effects of matter on mind and mind on matter.