Dr. Leslie Korn
My Bio
I began my training in the jungle of Mexico more than 45 years ago and completed my training in the jungle of Harvard Medical School.
I am an Integrative Medicine clinician, scientist, educator, and author specializing in the intersection of trauma, cognition, and chronic physical illness. I have been in clinical practice for more than 40 years.
I am a licensed psychotherapist, certified in Functional Nutrition, board-certified in both Polarity therapy and Bodywork and Massage therapy, and am a national board-approved clinical supervisor.
I have a private practice where I work with clients to improve mental health and reduce or eliminate medications using natural medicines. I also mentor clinicians who want to enter the field and provide supervision for clinicians in the field.
I have a PhD in Behavioral Medicine from the Union Institute and University, an MPH from Harvard School of Public Health, where I trained in nutrition, and a MA in cross-cultural health psychology from Lesley University.
I completed a Clinical Fellowship in the Department of Psychiatry at Harvard Medical School where I introduced somatic therapies for mental health and later was appointed clinical supervisor. I completed clinical internships in psychogeriatrics at Boston University Medical Center and at The Massachusetts General Hospital Trauma Clinic.
I was a Fulbright research scholar in Traditional Medicine of Mexico and an NIH-funded scientist in Mind-Body Medicine. I have been on the core faculty of The New England School of Acupuncture, The National College of Naturopathic Medicine, California Institute of Integral Studies, and Capella University.
I am director of research at the Center for World Indigenous Studies, a non-profit American Indian organization focusing on social justice and consultation to indigenous communities on revitalization strategies using traditional medicine, herbal and culinary practices.
I am the author of 10 books including The Brainbow Blueprint: A Clinical Guide to Integrative Medicine and Nutrition for Mental Well-Being, Nutrition Essentials for Mental Health: A Complete Guide to the Food-Mood Connection, Rhythms of Recovery: Integrative Medicine for PTSD and Complex Trauma, the bi-lingual Medicines of the Jungle, The Good Mood Kitchen, and Natural Woman.
I am a former competitive athlete and a practicing herbalist who loves to cook and work with my canine assistants in my clinical practice.